Tuesday, February 10, 2009

“Cosmetic Surgery Junkies”

There are more and more people these days that consider cosmetic surgery to be a viable option for changing the shape of the anatomy in order to look and feel better. There are different procedures that affect all parts of the body and they are also often used to repair an injury such as severe burns. You will generally find that cosmetic surgery is expensive and is also not totally free of risks as is the case with all types of surgical procedures.

“Cosmetic Surgery Junkies”

The results of cosmetic surgery are not always satisfactory and many people choose to undergo this operation more than once to get the perfect ‘look’. In fact, there are many “cosmetic surgery junkies” who cannot help but undergo such operations over and over again. This is a problem in the psyche of the person rather than an operation going wrong.

There may be some surgeons that perform cosmetic surgery who capitalize on such idiosyncrasies of people who constantly require changes to their appearance. The matter is further compounded when one sees advertisements propounding absolutely safe methods of rearranging the structure of a person’s body parts. This calls for certain restrictions to be in place that distinguish between a cosmetic change and one that is meant to repair injuries.

You should also not expect a miracle when you decide on having cosmetic surgery though most people do have unrealistic expectations before their procedures are performed. This is especially the case with women that are terrified of aging, and thus turn to cosmetic surgery as a means to looking younger forever. In addition, there is the desire to get maximum returns on an investment.

Mental Health

It is also not recommended for a person to have cosmetic surgery when the emotional stability is at risk since stress can affect the body’s physiology and may thus slow down the healing process. This means that a person should be in the best of health and spirit, and the operation should only be performed after the surgeon studies the medical history of the patient and gives the go ahead only after the person has achieved a state of mental and physical balance.

Cosmetic surgery has also seen a change in the attitudes of people who, until recently, only undertook it to look good. Times have indeed changed and now it is seen as a status symbol and a step up the social order. With prostheses as well as the ease with which such operations can be performed, cosmetic surgery operations such as breast augmentation are becoming more and more popular.

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Recommended For Acne and Scars removal

Acne laser surgery has gained in popularity, as many suffers are prepared to take drastic action to fight back against acne. Even though it can work wonders acne laser surgery should only be considered for use in extreme cases, when it is really necessary as a last resort. While it is often considered a beauty treatment, it is real, serious surgery and, as such, should not be used without careful consideration.

How does it work?

The procedure must only be administered by a trained doctor. A dermatologist may use acne laser surgery in the most severe acne cases to dig to the very core of a pimple and clear it completely. The laser device is designed so that it is weak enough not to cause any additional damage beyond the area being treated. Most experts consider this laser surgery very safe, but as with any surgery there is always at least a small opportunity for unexpected consequences.

Are there any problems with acne laser surgery?

Every responsible doctor will council that acne laser surgery is by no means a perfect and universal solution. There are several important factors that limit the surgery's usefulness.

1. The causes of acne Laser surgery concentrates only on one aspect of the disease - its visible effects. While the surgery can surely get rid of acne's visible symptoms, it can not really heal. The laser surgery should be only a part of more complex acne treatment program that will consist of a change of diet, reducing stress levels and possibly even hormonal treatment. Otherwise the symptoms will sooner or later appear once again.

2. Doctors' only Another possible problem is the surgeon's skill (or lack of it. Be sure you're going to get your acne laser surgery from a trained and experienced doctor. There have been reports of cosmetologists giving an acne light treatment without the proper training. Laser surgery is not the place to try and save money. You will get the best chance for success with an experienced dermatologists doing the work.

3. The cost Acne laser surgery is in a mid-point between cosmetics and health care. Some health insurance policies may cover it, some may not. Most insurance companies pay for acne laser surgery only in most extreme cases. Whatever you might think about the severity of your acne, it is wise to make sure that you insurance company agrees with you. Otherwise you may find laser surgery costing more than you planned.

4. Preparations Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that you have to seriously prepare for the treatment. In some cases laser surgery is serious enough that you must spend a few days in a bed after the procedure. Can you afford to be away from work for those days... and will you employer agree to your absence?

If course you should consider laser surgery if your acne is severe and has not responded to other treatment. Just don't rush in to it without careful thought and preparation.

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Remove Snoring With Laser Surgery

More than 700 million people from around the world are loud snorers. There is no 100% magic cure that can be used and individuals need to try different products on the market before eventually finding one that works in their case. On the other hand, there are a lot of solutions to stop snoring out there from dental devices and mouth pieces to electric shock wrist watches. The one thing that is usually neglected and that should be a priority for any snorer is consulting a doctor. He can tell you what can be done and what really causes your snoring. In some cases he will even need to recommend that you undergo laser surgery to stop snoring. There are two types of surgeries that can be performed. It is best that you talk with your doctor and ask for every single detail before you chose which one to undergo.

Laser Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty

Laser Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty is also known as LAUP. It is the cheaper type of such surgery to stop you from snoring. In this type of surgery, laser is utilized to trim the uvula. Sessions usually last around 10 minutes and the patient will be seated upright and will be fully awake. In most cases local anesthetic is utilized. You will need to repeat the procedure 3 to 5 times, each separated by one month for everything to be over.

LAUP will utilize a CO2 laser as soon as the anesthesia takes effect, in order to make 2 vertical incisions in the soft palate. This is done through a series of procedures that are non invasive. The uvula is shortened in order to eliminate the cause of the obstruction that is causing snoring. Some patients will require waiting up to 8 weeks before the following session because it all depends on the body's capability of recovering. The good news is that this treatment is proven to work in the majority of cases and the only downside is that there is that need of up to 5 sessions, separated by quite a long amount of time. Most individuals do get better after the first session.


Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is also known as simply UPPP. This type of laser surgery to stop snoring is more expensive when compared with LAUP. It works by enlarging your throat in the area near the tonsils. In some cases there is also a need to remove one tonsil and including parts of the soft palate and uvula. The patient needs to be in general anesthesia and UPPP is generally considered as the more painful medical procedure when it comes to snoring treatment.

UPPP was the first type of surgery that was used to treat snoring patients. The downside was that there is an attached hospital stay of up to three days and the entire procedure will provoke intensive pain for patients. Nowadays, LAUP is more widely used and UPPP is only recommended in some remote cases.

Recovery Period

As you can imagine, after each surgery there is a need to have a period of recovering. With LAUP, most patients can get back to work or to their regular day routine in the same day they underwent the procedure. There is a sore throat sensation that can last up to 10 days and in some cases it can be very uncomfortable. Some individuals might need to use analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs in order to get rid of the sensation but most will only experience it at an acceptable level.

Statistics showed that LAUP treatment brought a 90 percent improvement in reducing snoring and sleep apnea episodes. On the other hand, the soft tissue of the palate is scarred and this can lead to more obstruction and worsened OSA after a period of around two years. Only one third of the patients that were treated with LAUP are considered a success because of this repetitive pattern.

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